Hello All!!!
This post is simply to introduce myself to you guys if you didn’t know me already! My name is Pamlea Brady and I am a fifth year graduate student in Analytical Chemistry under the advisement of Dr. Megan Macnaughtan. I am originally from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I received my undergraduate degree from Winston-Salem State University in Chemistry/Pre-Med with minors in Mathematics and Spanish. Three things about me are:
1. I love ice cream!!! (I will never say no!)
2. I come from a HUGE family
3. I love tutoring and mentoring
Here at LSU my thesis research has been focused on the development of protein structure determination methods using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALD MS) and more recently surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. I have two co-authored papers and several first author manuscripts in preparation, which I hope to have submitted by the end of summer. In addition to my graduate studies, I am active in the community and have served on the executive board of a couple professional organizations and I am now current acting President of the LSU Chapter of NOBCChE (The National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers). My office is located in 439 Choppin so if you ever have any questions I am always willing to help!
Pamlea Nicole
This post is simply to introduce myself to you guys if you didn’t know me already! My name is Pamlea Brady and I am a fifth year graduate student in Analytical Chemistry under the advisement of Dr. Megan Macnaughtan. I am originally from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I received my undergraduate degree from Winston-Salem State University in Chemistry/Pre-Med with minors in Mathematics and Spanish. Three things about me are:
1. I love ice cream!!! (I will never say no!)
2. I come from a HUGE family
3. I love tutoring and mentoring
Here at LSU my thesis research has been focused on the development of protein structure determination methods using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALD MS) and more recently surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. I have two co-authored papers and several first author manuscripts in preparation, which I hope to have submitted by the end of summer. In addition to my graduate studies, I am active in the community and have served on the executive board of a couple professional organizations and I am now current acting President of the LSU Chapter of NOBCChE (The National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers). My office is located in 439 Choppin so if you ever have any questions I am always willing to help!
Pamlea Nicole